Monday, December 29, 2008
In The Flesh (Word To PetE & CL)
The Link to this live (iPhone) chanNel wilL always be in the list of other sites You may enjoy (KnowN as ...RTNC Live).
RTNC MaterialIzEd
I've beEn awAy from the Blog for a long time but I've now returned with a resolution to make this "blogGing" isSue a more consiStaNT hapPeniNg. I'm trying to get things togeThEr so I can post a link/source to a chanNel that I'lL stream live from.
Just one more thing. HomeBoy SandmAN is on AtManAnDa now & BOY OH BOY!!!!! did he creatE a string a magick works for You to day dream to.....More To Come.
Much AXE
Thursday, October 9, 2008
So...You StilL Think The Choice Is Left Up To The "Make Sure You Get Out & Votes" To DeCidE The DecisIons That ReQuire Great CalcuLAtion?
Don't Have To AgreE, But, You Can ConSider & Probably Should Give Some Thought
"RemEMber, YOU! MUST! LEeEeEARN!!!!!" - KRS ONE
"RemEMber, YOU! MUST! LEeEeEARN!!!!!" - KRS ONE
Monday, October 6, 2008
& Now, Back To The Program (Of FolLOwing Your BlisS)
I've BeEn PutTing Up Some Thing ConcerniNg The PolitIcaL Atmos"Fear" I Started RealizIng.....That's SomeOnE Else'S System That I've BeEn Forced To ReVolve Around. Now That The Ship Is SinkINg.....Those That Have That GUTS & I Dare Say Audacity To Think FreEly, WithOut ConCerN for What Other's WilL Think, Say, etc.....WelL Then, As Nas & PetE Said.....The WORLD Is Yours!!!!! The Truth Is Though.....It ALWAYS Has, Is & WilL Be.
On That Note ThreE ChEers To The InovatOrs
On That Note ThreE ChEers To The InovatOrs
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The AspirIng DictaTor...LiteralLy!!!!!
Pay ParticulAR AtTentioN To The Spot With About 1:45 ReMainINg
Don't WanNA Over Use The Phrase, But.....
"Are You Watching CloseLy?"
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Der BaAder Meinhof Komplex TraileR.....#$%IN' S#!T UP!!!!! With A Cause!!!!!
SeEing This ReMindED Me Of The Documentary On "The WeatherMen" (Titled The Same) From Some Years Ago, 2002 I Think.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Is The U.S RealLY This Close To Absolute Peril?
Now, I'm Not The Type That Finds The "PolitIcaL ProcesS" BeliEvable (I've Read "The Prince" & It Had A Strong ImPact!!!!!) But, If This Is A ReflEction On The IntelLEcTual Status Of The U.S.....Trouble ShouldN't Be A SurpRise When It Rears It's Head.....
In A Disney Movie I Bet She'd Be Able To Use AlL Of Her MockseE & Win In The End, With The AbsencE Of Logic & Sound SenseS, You Know Kinda Like Forest Gump, But, The Last Time That HapPenEd & PeoplE Bought It, Wars HapPenEd & As Is Always The Case, ThesE PeoplE Do The Blah bLAH While GoOd & InNocent PeoplE Pay Dearly
Come Now Humans
In A Disney Movie I Bet She'd Be Able To Use AlL Of Her MockseE & Win In The End, With The AbsencE Of Logic & Sound SenseS, You Know Kinda Like Forest Gump, But, The Last Time That HapPenEd & PeoplE Bought It, Wars HapPenEd & As Is Always The Case, ThesE PeoplE Do The Blah bLAH While GoOd & InNocent PeoplE Pay Dearly
Come Now Humans
Thursday, September 11, 2008
John RobinsON'S "I Am Not For Sale"
Sunday, September 7, 2008
GoOd For Those That Care For Art & Not About SupPoseds (With A Bonus)
I Was SurpRised @ First.....
But, I SeE Why I Love It Know.....
Dare To Dare
& Now For Some Extra CofFeE With CoOkies
But, I SeE Why I Love It Know.....
Dare To Dare
& Now For Some Extra CofFeE With CoOkies
Saturday, July 5, 2008
"Let Them Eat Cake" Promo Is HerE

Go To:
& TherE, At My MySpace Page You Can DownLOad The First InStalLMenT Of "Let Them Eat Cake", Which Is My First OfFicIal ReLEase. It's An Entirely InsTruMental AlBum. "AtManAnDa" WilL FolLOw Suite Directly After. Truth Be Told, I Chose To Create "Let Them Eat Cake" In OrdeR For Me To Have More Time To Work On "AtManAnDa" & Give The ArtisTS That I'lL Be Featuring On The Album (SeE In An EarlieR Post Who Those GoOd PeoplE Are) More Time To ComPletE & SeE ThrougH TherE Songs.
I Hope You Enjoy Art That's About To Come Your Way.
Here's A Treaty Treat.....A LitTle ChocOlate CroisSant
Rock Afire ExplosiOn Movie Trailer
I Love This So Much. I Wasn't Aware Of This When I Was A Kid, But, I FeEl Like I Would've Loved It If I Did Though. Hail AlL My D&D 20 SideD Dice RolLers Out TherE.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Just BeCause It NeEds To Be Said.....

The Strokes.....Come On Buddies, Come On Back, We NeEd Ya.
These Guys Were A Great Gift For The Art Hungry When Music NeEded A CoOl BreEze & Or A GoOd Kick In The AsS.
The First Time I Heard "Last Night" I Must HAve Played It 50 Times Over In My CD WalkMan As I Walk In The Cold Alone In NYC. What Can I Say????? I Had A Moment.....That Don't Make You A Bad PerSon, HAha.
MOOG DOES IT AGAIN.....& It's Not A KeyBoard? WOW!!!!!
SomeTime In The Future, I WilL Learn The Guitar.....& This Might Make It SoOner Than Later.
PicasSos Theory.....Completed

It's A Great & SubStantially DeFining Moment For Me.....I'lL Be Back With More InformatiOn, But, To Be Sharp & To The Point....."PicasSos Theory" Is Based On PicasSos Thought That Art Is Never Finished, Only Abandoned. AlL I'lL Say Is That, It's An All InsTruMental Project & It's RAW & EvenThough It's Very StripPed Down, It Manages To Be Very FulL & IntricaTe (I'm Not Sure, If I'd Want To Put Any Vocals On It, But, I Know ExActly Who I'd Have Do So If I Got That Chance.....BIG UuHhh HhMmm To Jay Electronica, DOOM, Madlib &.....AaWww Fuck It, I'lL Go For The Gusto.....NAS & Andre 3000).
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
We're HeeeeEEEEEeRe

There have been more and more sighting recently. One in Florida not long ago & now in Arizona yesterday.
Here's The Story Via Azrizona News 12.
Several Valley residents reported seeing strange red lights in the sky on Monday night.
One north Phoenix resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said he saw four or five red lights lined up in a straight line and spaced apart evenly. The lights slowly moved east and became dimmer as the witness watched. He said the last light remained in the sky the longest. Then three jets came from the west and traveled in the direction of the red lights.
An Arizona Republic reporter who lives in Deer Valley reported seeing four lights in a square shape that eventually became a triangular shape. The lights were moving to the east and they disappeared one by one. She said the lights were visible for about 13 minutes.
An official from Luke Air Force Base stated that they do not have any aircraft in the sky tonight and that the lights are not part of any Air Force activities.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
AtManAnDA & Friends

So, These are some of the wonderful Creators that will be appearing on My forth coming album. One of the reasons that I haven't been updating the blog is because I've been hard at work on it. I'm starting to get into the artwork phase now, as I wait for some of My contributions. Learning video editing is on the horizon as well, So, Stay Tuned.
Space Cadets On Board MotherShip RTNC For The AtManAnDa MisSion.....
John RobinSon
Ced Hughes
Kurious Jorge
88 Keys
Ca$$ius King
TifFany Paige
Never Last & Obviously Not Least My Great Friend, Dave Dar
It's looking like the album is going to be half vocally accompanied songs & the other half being instrumental.
I Will Be Following My BlisS As It Must Be.
I'm Not Attempting To Bring Back The 1990s Or ReviVe The Golden Age.
This Is Me Simply PreSenting To You My Brain.....No, Love Child.
Been A Long Time.....
Just to start Me up again, I thought I'd come back with a favorite of mine.
Make Sure To Go Check Out The Murakami Exhibit At The BAM If You're In NYC.....Brooklyn To Be More Exact.
Make Sure To Go Check Out The Murakami Exhibit At The BAM If You're In NYC.....Brooklyn To Be More Exact.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Punk Birthday
This Is Daft Punk's Directorial Debut, Electroma.....And, It Comes Out On My Birthday.....July 22nd. Happy Day
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
All Praise Young People
This Is One Of The KOOLEST Things I'll Ever Layed My Eyes On.....HAha, It Filled Me With Alot Of Happiness & Hope For The Future.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Life Is BeautiFul!!!!!
Honestly, I Just About Teared Up With Joy When I Saw This.
Life Is Magical
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Eykah Badu X Madlib
I Love This Record!!!!!
Support The MoveMent.....Artists WithOut Any Compromises Are Great. Create Your Own Lane!!!!!
On The Humble Like Christ Do

Real Confidence
The strongest confidence is quiet, inner confidence. The surest sign of inherent weakness and lack of confidence is the need to boast.
Practice humility and what you will build is confidence. The less you care about impressing others, the more impressed they will be.
Be honest and authentic, and your confidence will grow. The more fully you realize that there's no need to hide who you are, the more confident you'll become in every endeavor.
Approach each task with understanding and patience. Don't let arrogance infect your attitude, for arrogance is a feeble imitation of confidence that drives real confidence away.
Know where you are going and why. True confidence flows naturally from a clear sense of purpose.
There is a solid, genuine confidence within you, and it can empower all that you do. Live and act to nourish and grow that confidence, and it will surely serve you well.
- Ralph Marston
Peace To Mr. Marston.....UuHhh HhhMm, Yes, I ReCeived Your Message.....Much Appreciated
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sound Strange Via 1999 (MayBe 2000)

This Is A Song Titled "Capitalism" That Verbz & I ReCorded In My BedRoom Studio I Had In My Mom's House. Hi Mom, I LOVE YOU!!!!! There Might Be More In Future, So, That's Why I'm DeCided To Utter The SOUND STRANGE Name For Giving It Some Shine Sake. The Beat Was Created On My MPC3000, ReCorded & Mixed On A Roland 1680 & The Vocals Were Done On A AKG 414. Very Simple. I Find That Trusting Your Own Ear Is AlWays Right. If You Can Hook Up With A Great Engineer, That's Great, But, It's Not The End All Be All.
If You Have Dreams & I Know You Do!!!!! Take Control Of Them & Bring Them To Fruition.
AtManAnDa.....I Create As I Speak.....You'll Know More About This Soon Enough
(UuHhh HhMmm.....My First Album)
Bless You All
Great Things Are Here & Will Be Coming.....From Me To You
No Ordinary Moments

Life Is Good
Life is good. The possibilities for joy and true fulfillment are more abundant than ever before.
It is great to be alive, on this day, in this place, with things just as they are. And you are truly blessed to be you, with your own unique and valuable gifts to offer each new moment.
Making the most of this beautiful moment is really quite simple. Just allow the authentic, driving purpose that lives within you to be expressed in your thoughts, words and actions.
Sure, there are difficult problems and formidable challenges in this world. And yet even the challenges and difficulties eventually bring positive value to life.
For in working through those challenges, you learn, you grow, you create and you discover new, delightful possibilities. When life compels you to give your best, you end up getting better, stronger, and more capable of living with richness and joy.
Life is beautiful right now, as it is. And what's better, is that you can make it even more so.
- Ralph Marston
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A Moment In Time
Life Can Get Too Fast Here In NYC. Take Alittle Time In Your Life To Just BE!!!!! Have A Breath, Listen To The Sounds All Around You, Smell The Scents In The Air.....Live & Be Happy Just Cause!!!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Strip Your Ego

Opportunity To Improve
Do you ever attempt to hide from your mistakes or pretend they didn't happen? If so, you'll keep making the same ones over and over again.
Instead, quickly recognize and admit your mistakes. And learn to see the value in moving beyond them.
When you've found an error, you've uncovered an opportunity to improve. Take those opportunities and make those improvements.
When you discover a weakness, you've found a way to grow stronger. Overcoming a weakness in one area can make you more effective in all aspects of your life, after that weakness ceases to hold you back.
Accept that there are things you've been mistaken about, things you don't know, and things you have not been able to do. That puts you in a position to make powerful positive improvements.
Instead of letting your mistakes and shortcomings grow more costly by denying that they exist, choose to see the real value in them. Decide to confidently deal with them and transform your liabilities into assets.
It Takes Strength
It takes strength to do what must be done when the work is unpleasant and uncomfortable. It takes strength to persist in the face of obstacles, when it would be much easier to simply give up.
It takes strength to be polite to someone when that person has been rude to you. It takes strength to be truthful when a lie would be more convenient.
It takes strength to build for the future. It takes strength to resist temptations and distractions.
It takes strength to do what is right. It takes strength to make an effort when it would be easier to make up an excuse.
It takes strength to do all these things. And all the while, these are the very things that build even more strength.
Be truthful, do what you know is right, put forth effort when it is called for, persist, and the more you do so, the more easily you'll be able to do so. Exercise your strength, and you'll surely grow stronger, more capable, and successful in each endeavor.
- Ralph Marston
Bring Me To Your Leader

This Fantastic Hot Air Balloon Was Created By Belgian Star Wars Fan Benoît Lambert, & I Love It.
Here's What He Had To Say About It.....
"As soon as we got Lucasfilm’s approval, we made contact with the world largest manufacturer of hot-air balloons, specialized in special shapes and based in the United Kingdom. A Darth Vader helmet replica was sent to their engineers to help them recreate every detail. A vectorial file representing the Vader helmet in 3D was also sent to the engineers.”
"Once the first draft in our hands, several shape and colour modifications were discussed and made in order to be sure that the balloon would look as much as possible as the real Darth Vader helmet. Colours were chosen to optimize 3D effects once the balloon in flight. For aesthetical reasons, grey shades around the face are slightly different from the official shape. Once the last visual draft accepted by our team and by LFL, the making could begin… 8 weeks of making were necessary to obtain the final result.”
“Then this final draft received LucasFilm’s approval, and the manufacturing could begin. Eight weeks were necessary to give birth to the balloon. To keep this project secret on Lucasfilm request, the english manufacturer called it « Head One ». This name allowed us to keep the project secret until the balloon’s first public appearance, and was also used for the official belgian regisration.”
Here Are The Specifics On The Hot Air Balloon’s Technical DeTail.....
26 Meters (86 Feet) High, Basket Included
21 Meters (69 Feet) Wide
24 Meters (78 Feet) Depth
Estimated Hot Air Volume 3.000 m³ (106,000 Cubic Feet)
Estimated Weight 290 Kilos (640 Lb)
Here's Some Video
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Jay Electro In The Flesh.....Act 1
This Was PerFormed At Giles PeterSon's 2008 WorldWide Awards.....Are You Watching Even More Closely This Time?
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy BirthDay J Dilla, The GREAT!!!!!

He's My Favorite Producer/Beat Maker Of All Time. I never met Him but still feel like I learned so much about the craft from Him, directly. I know You're Here Dilla, I Would Like To Say Thank You.
And, Here's A Small Gift.....

Here's A ReMix I Did Around The 2000-2001 Era Of Slum Village's "The Look Of Love".....I Liked It Then & I Still Do. I Hope You Find Some EnjoyMent In This Work As Well.
You've Got It All!!!!!

Rise Above The Need
Instead of focusing so intently on what you can get, consider what you can let go. Lighten your load and become more nimble, peaceful and powerful.
Some of the things you so desperately think you need, you do not need at all. As your needs diminish, your freedom and richness grow.
There's nothing you must have in order to be. Devote some of your life to simply being, and know the liberation that comes from letting go of yourself.
Ambition, intention and disciplined effort will bring you much in this world. Always remember, though, that there is more to life than the success the world confers.
When you act out of need you will struggle from a position of weakness. Rise above the need, and you are free to achieve without limitation.
Remember that fulfillment is not about getting all that you need. Fulfillment is knowing the freedom to be all that you are.
- Ralph Marston
Monday, February 4, 2008
Your Love Means It All

Put It To Use
Gratitude is the key to abundance. When you're truly thankful for the good things you have, those good things grow more numerous and valuable.
So how do you put gratitude into action? By making the most of the good things you have.
If you hoard and hide your blessings away, they begin to wither and eventually disappear completely. When, on the other hand, you put the good and valuable things in your life to full use, they multiply many times over.
There is no better way to show your thankfulness and appreciation for something than by using it for a positive, productive, creative purpose. Do that, and the value you already have grows even more valuable.
Whatever you have is not really yours unless you are truly thankful for it. To be truly and effectively thankful for it, make full and fruitful use of it.
Live with a thankfulness in your heart, in your thoughts and, most importantly, in your every action. All the good things you make use of will grow even better.
- Ralph Marston
NEeEeW YOoOoOoOoOork!!!!! (Ala Frank Sinatra)

Oh My Oh My!!!!!
Not Only Was I Going Out Of My Mind Last Night Watching The Giants Win The Super Bowl & Reminiscing About How I BeCame A Giants Fan When I Was Eight Years Old (1986.....Super Bowl Year, Word To Phil Simms, Joe Morris & LT, Yes The REAL!!!!! LT), But, That Game, That Beautiful Game Of Sweet Science From Last Night May.....No F#@* That, It Was/Is The Best FootBall Game EVER!!!!!
The Game HAd The Best Play Of All Time!!!!!
Yes, Eli Manning To Tyree Is All I Have To Say.
Give Thanks
Saturday, February 2, 2008
I Create, Style Proper & Have A Soft Spot For Old Pictures Of My Friends & Family.....ThereFore I Am

Make It Real
The problems seem so big and imposing because you focus on them so intently and see them so clearly. Imagine looking at some of your best positive possibilities with the same intensity and level of focus.
The past seems so real because you know so much about it, and as a result it commands much of your attention. Consider what would happen if you could put your full, undivided attention on the valuable and creative things you're now able to do in the present.
Whatever you focus upon grows more and more influential in your life. Because the things you focus upon are the things you act upon, and every action has real consequences.
Your life is what you choose to make it, and the time to choose is right now. What you do with the moment at hand is more important, by orders of magnitude, than any past disappointments or present difficulties.
This is the day for you to make a difference. This is your moment to transform nagging problems into magnificent opportunities.
You are able, right now, to choose any thought, any action, and any path. This time, you can choose the very best and truly make it real.
- Ralph Marston
While We're On The Topic Of Making & Manifesting.....
Let The McFly's Out Why Don't Cha.....

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Being Great Breeds Greatness

Life Returns The Favor
When you encounter resistance, it means you are moving forward. When you come across a challenge, it means you have reached the point where you can successfully meet that challenge.
Life becomes more rewarding as it becomes more demanding. You are destined to achieve, and each successive achievement positions you for an even greater, more challenging achievement.
Each new challenge is an opportunity to stretch beyond your previous limits. Most of the advantages you enjoy today were born in the difficulties through which you traveled in days past.
Every day brings a new way for you to more fully give of yourself. It is by so giving, in ways that are familiar and in ways not yet imagined, that you create the life you most sincerely desire.
In everything there is treasure to be found. The richest treasures are those that ask the most of you, for they resonate wholly with your deepest purpose.
Delight in the living beauty of each challenging effort. Give your best to life and life returns the favor, a million times over.
- Ralph Marston
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Gloves Are Officially OFF!!!!!
The Irish Phrase Fits Perfectly For This Situation.....
"Is This A Private Fight, Or Can AnyOne Join In?"
Word To J Davey
"Is This A Private Fight, Or Can AnyOne Join In?"
Word To J Davey
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The FounTain.....Of Infinity

I Have A Philosophy That Speaks Out Loud To Me Saying, "All That Is, Is You & You Are That There Has, Is & Will Be." We Have An Origin & That Point Of Genesis Has It's Beginnings As Well & So On & On.....So, You Stretch Out Well Before You Give Credance To. You Know Do, Make & Fuel Things, Events & So On That Will Feed The Future & Then On Into InFinity. Are You Seeing What I'm Getting At? Are You Watching Closely? Are You're Blinders Off? All In All, You Are Here Right Now & That Is All That Is. With That, Be, Create & Spread Greatness.
Don't Believe The Nonsense.....Rather Know, On Person CAN!!!!! Change The World.
That Said, Watch "The FounTain".....You Might Feel Something Click. A Chakra Might Even Open Up, HAha. It's A Beautiful Film About How Endless This Thing We Call Life Really Is. Fear Not.
Dare To Imagine New Worlds

Alexandre Duret Lutz, AKA Gadl, Has Some Great Art That RePlicates Super Mario Galaxy. The Clue Is Him Naming The Collection "Wee Planets" As An Ode To The ConSole The Game Is Played On, Wii. There's Some InSite Into The Work & More Of It Here.....
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
More From The RTNC ManSion
When You're Life Is Moving Too Fast For You To Take Two Seconds To Sit & Eat Like A Human Being

I Gotta Admit, I Like The Idea & Concept Of This Eatting Utility.....Woulda Been Really Handy In High School Or Later On In The Ol' Dorm Room.....But, Folks Gotta Start Respecting The "Rich"ual Of The Meal. Have Something Good To Eat & Start A Conversation With SomeOne Just To See Who's Out There In The World. You Might Learn SomeThing & Meet SomeBody That Could BeCome Your Best Friend.
Linn Olofsdotter
The Fabulous Freddy Rocks The 5

Check Out The Sweet Fab 5 Freddy InterView Over At ForMat Magazine.....
Fab 5 Freddy Is A True Pioneer & A Great Role Model For Any Of You Smart Youths Out There Who Don't Really Want To Shoot Hoops Or Rapper For The Rest Of You Life. By The Way, Unless You're Home Isn't Stable & Or Flat Out Bad, Which I Know Is Very Much A Reality For Some, Bless You ALL!!!!!, You Should Model Your Life Based On Your Mom & Dad's Love You Ya!!!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Summer Of 2007 RTNC Tee Shirt DeSign

If You Saw A Tee With This DeSign On It Last Summer, It Was Courtesy Of Yours Truly. Thank You Very Kindly If You Liked It & LikeWise If You Didn't BeCause It Still Touched You In Some Way. Blessings!!!!! There's More To Come. Life Is Art & Visa Versa So I Stay With Some Paint & Melodies. UFOs Available In Different Shapes & Sizes.....You'll Under & OverStand Sooner Than You Think, HAha.
Supra Stays FlyYyYyYYyyy

First, We Have The Skate Shoe & Second Is The NS ("NonSkate") Shoe. White On White Has A Very Classic Look To It, YET, It Can SomeTimes Be Boring & An Almost "Lazy" Fashion Go To Move. Plus, At This Point, I Kinda Have To Look Away When I We A Pair Of All White Air Ones, Or Any Air Ones These Days. But, The Supra SkyTop Muska DeSigns Is PerFect In White. I Might Have To Sneak The SkyTop Into My All Time Favorite DeSign List.
Ain't It Great When Artists Actually Step Up & Make Art
Now I'll Admit.....I Wasn't Into Portishead From Jump. I Actually Had To Woarm Up To Them For Quite A While. But, Once I Saw How Great Their Music Is, Super Rich Instrumnetally As Well As Vocally, I Couldn't Continue To Front.
This One's Just Exquisit
20/20 Third Eye Vision

Strengthening Your Beliefs
To strengthen your beliefs and assumptions, challenge them regularly. You'll rid yourself of those outdated assumptions that hold you back, while at the same time strengthening those valuable beliefs that can move you forward.
There is no doubt that challenge builds strength. It is a key theme of life.
Muscles that are challenged to lift heavier and heavier loads become stronger as a result of the training. Minds that are challenged to solve more and more difficult problems become increasingly adept from the experience.
Questioning and challenging your beliefs can transform them from mere beliefs into absolute certainties. The willingness to challenge a belief demonstrates your commitment to, and confidence in that belief.
By being your own most effective skeptic, you add real depth and substance to your beliefs, perspectives and assumptions. By continuing to ask why and why not, you learn much and grow stronger.
When you challenge your beliefs, you compel yourself to make them a reality. You transform them from vague concepts into living, breathing certainties upon which you can build great value.
- Ralph Marston
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Reporting For Active Duty.....UuMmm, I Mean LIFE!!!!!

Live With Joy
Find joy in doing nothing and you can find it in everything. Experience happiness without a reason and you can create happiness for any reason.
Realize that happiness is not the result of good things, but is indeed the cause of good things. There is nothing you need in order to be happy other than the choice to be.
Imagine living this day filled with joy, happiness and positive purpose. Imagine it, then take one more step and actually do it.
Let go of any concern you may have for what does or does not come your way. Focus instead on the good and valuable things that you can give, create, inspire and choose to experience.
Don't allow the world to pull you down with its negativity. Choose to transform the world around you with your own positive outlook.
Real joy is always a choice you can make. Live with joy, let happiness flow out from you, and life becomes more radiant with each passing moment.
- Ralph Marston
Friday, January 18, 2008
Progress Is Endless

Friday, January 18, 2008
The Depth Of Life's Richness
For every tragedy, there are a thousand joys. For every setback, there are countless ways to move positively forward from it.
Though the world may sometimes seem cold and dreary, there is always a bright new sunrise on the way. Though life can certainly be unfair, it is at the same time filled with an unending supply of positive possibilities.
As painful as the losses can be, love will heal to an even greater degree. In the darkest of times, hope shines more brightly than ever.
Your own existence is so thoroughly familiar to you that you rarely think anything about it. Yet it is a wondrous miracle that is utterly beyond compare.
What you have is so much more than what you can touch or see. What you have is everything that is, and all that can ever be.
You will never fully grasp the depth of life's richness. For the more of it you experience, the more of it there is.
- Ralph Marston
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Nightly News.....Wisen Up Young Pedowin

“The Nightly News” is the story of John Guyton, who is definitely a very angry man and has every right to be. I will add that he certainly doesn't stay that way and the tone of the series changes as he does.
The inspiration for “The Nightly News” were the stories of innocent people like Richard Jewell (the Olympic Bomber) whose lives are basically ripped apart by billion dollar companies so they can entertain us/boost ratings/charge higher advertising rates/make more money. There are a lot of stories similar to his out there. Researching this stuff was a little scary.
“The Nightly News” simply asks the question: what happens when the media companies do that to the wrong guy?
.....George A. Tramountanas
I Found This Explaination Of The Book To Be The Best. It's Very Layered & Takes No Shorts.
Tools Of The Trade

The MPC5000 Looks Like It's A Fine Piece Of HardWare.....As Long As It's Not Like The MPC4000 (Yuck).....But, I Wonder If It's Even Half The Piece Of Gear The MPC2500 Is With The Pirated Operatign System (JJ OS). THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH BY THE WAY!!!!!
Here's What Akai Has To Say About The 5000.....Oh, And Peace To My Man 88 Keys On The Heads Up......("The Death Of Adam" Soon Come Kiddies)
The MPC5000 is the first MPC ever to include 8-track streaming hard disk recording, a 20-voice, 3-oscillator analog synthesizer with arpeggiator, a new sequencing engine with 960 ppq resolution, pad and track muting and mixing, 64 continuous sample tracks. There's even a new FX engine with 4 FX buses and 2FX per bus.
In addition, the MPC5000 features a 64-voice drum/phrase sampler with 64MB memory Ð expandable up to 192MB. The display is twice the size of the MPC2500 and MPC1000 so waveforms appear crystal-clear. Integrated Chop Shop 2.0 now supports stereo chops and Patched Phrases. The MPC5000 is the first MPC to include Random and Cycle sample playback in addition to velocity Zone Play. A turntable preamp is also included.
The MPC5000's virtual analog synth eliminates need for external analog synth modules or buggy software based synthesizers. The new 8-track direct to disk recorder lets you produce your whole song in the MPC and then mix it down with the internal sequenced programs and any input thru material. Add the optional CD/DVD drive and you can then burn an audio or data CD or your mix. Over 650MB of premium-quality sounds from Loopmasters are included to get you up and running with pro-quality production in seconds.
I Still Wonder What The Originator Roger Linn Would Have Done With This WonderFul & Revolutionary Technology Had Akai Done RIGHT By Him.....Thank You Mr. Linn
Bow 'Til Your Knees Hit Your ForeHead
Mike Perry Got Skillz

I've Always Been Big On Lettering Styles Ever Since I Start Tagging & Then Progressed Into The Different Techniques And Creating New Fashions Of Lettering Art, AKA Pieces, Throw Ups, Burners & On & On &..... That said Check Out Mark Perry Who's Also Down With Zoo York.
Most Divine Imagination

Your Imagination
There are no limits to what you can imagine. And what you create in your imagination sets the stage for what you will create in your life.
Your imagination can take you to any place and any time you choose. In your imagination, you can construct and explore whatever set of circumstances you wish to experience.
Imagination can help you prepare to do things you've never done. It can also help you improve and perfect the tasks with which you're already familiar.
Pay close and careful attention to the realities of your life. And then fully explore the possibilities present in those realities by sifting them through the wondrous power of your imagination.
When it seems that you've run out of options, imagine for yourself some new ones. If you let it, your imagination can pull you toward the truth you need to know.
The reality of your life is rich indeed. And imagination greatly expands your access to that richness.
- Ralph Marston
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Follow Your Bliss.....
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