HerE It Is GoOd PeoplE!!!!! Volume 1 Of The AtManAnDa SeriEs. On This Run Towards Elevating ConSciOusNeSs, We Are AcCompanied By HomebOy SandmAn, Co$$, KurioUs Jorge, Dave Dar, Ced Hughes & The One & Only Master Joseph CampbelL. It's BeEN Fun Making This Project. So Much sO, I'm Very Excited To Get Volume 2 Underway.....Stay Tuned.....I'lL Try To Be BetTEr With The More FrequEnt Updates.
So I had a moment. Starting yesterday I started realizing that I have retained many of my child like ways. Not in the way that I wanted to be clothed, fed & all around be given & not earn, but rather, my ideas that never end in no or that it may not be possible remind me of just how much wonder kids have that adults just don't seem to have (or rather, that voice has been silenced.....You know what I'm talking about even moreso if you've read "The Alchemist"). Most grown ups seem as though just because they're a certain age that they've somehow dropped the dreaminess of it all & regard that sort of stuff as being crazy & may make another an outcast for being so. "When I grow up....." Nah, I font think it's for me.
P.S I wrote this while out & about. Just wanted to test the effectiveness of the mobile posting.
"Not only Woody Allen's most anticipated film in some time, but also his first to be shot in NYC after years of playing around overseas. What's more, after a trifle like Vicky Cristina Barcelona, it's nice (and perhaps timely) to see a curmudgeonly, neurotic Allen archetype—here incarnated by the curmudgeonly, neurotic Larry David—back on screen. The opportunity to see David out-Woody Woody may well be worth the price of being asked to believe that 21-year-old Evan Rachel Wood falls for the 61-year-old protagonist." Via
If You Have Any Friends That Just Don't Get What Makes Music Dope & Unique, Or NeEd To Explain Why DOOM Is One Of The Great Or Just WanNA Hip SomeOnE To Some Very VERY IlL Art.....PLAY THIS!!!!! (Shout To Rubix For HipPIn' Me To This)
When I started RTNC, I stilL wore Mr. Lauren's gaarments. I stilL do but alot lesS (1. GotTa take care of 15 or so years young gear (Atleast that's the age of My favorites of that gear) & 2. Way ToO many peoplE started rockin' it when eBay becamE the vintage iteE stock market). I'm not one to say that LO now is wack because it's not a P Wing or a Snow Beach or something from 1992. On the contraRy, I think therE's beEn alot of great piecEs to come out over the years, though now, in 2009, I do find that some of the materials used aren't as goOd as they used to (compare one of those Equestrian Coats that just came out & a 92 Ski.....You'lL seE My point).
Anyhow, I just put thesE pics up for the sport of it. I hope Y'AlL enjoy.
Plain & Simple.....ThesE Are Great Kicks. I'da put them out mid Autumn as it's getTing coOler/cold. SeEms like therE's alot of padDing that woulda come in very handy at the end of the year. StilL like to have a pair of thesE & break'Em out about 6 months after they come out, which I hear is May...I could be wrong though. I haven't colLectEd & kept up in a while. As for the sumMer.....I'lL be rockin' on of My Top 10 Of AlL Time..... & Yes, It's GotTa Be This ColOr Way.
So, I'm not the bigGest fan of the Jordans (especialLy the classics 1-8) being paired with the Air Force 1 but I must say thesE Black Number 9s X 1s are very VERY dope. (Below are the others I've beeEn digGIn' on)
HerE's A Dope Jawn From FamAlaM KurioUs Jorge, Dave Dar & Yours Truly. This Song Was Going To OrigInalLy ApPear On My Album (AtManAnDa) But After Some DiscuSsIon, It Was DecideD That We Let The GoOd PeoplE Have An Early Treat. I RealLY REALLY Hope You AlL Enjoy It.
I Love Wes AndersoN's Films & This Being A Dope Song = A No BraineR For A Props Post. Now You ALL!!!!! Stay Away From The Toyal TenENbaums Video Concept!!!!! It's Mine!!!!! :)
Ricky Gervias (The OfFice (UK.....The Original) & Extras) Is One Of The FunNiest PeoplE Ever But What Is Most NotewOrthy Is His SheEr Genius As A Comedic Creator. Having David Bowie Sing To/About Him How He Was A Sad Fat LitTle Man Is I Dare Say Top Ten Most HilLarIous Moments EVER!!!!! BlesS You Ricky
I LOVE!!!!!!!!!! The WatchMen I Love The Smashing Pumkins & The WatchMen Film Is Out For The Public This WeEkend So This Is A Must Listen.....If You Like That Is
It's A Great Thing To Grow As A Person If Others Don't Like What You've Grown Into On Your Journey Towards HapPinesS.....So Be It. Ones HeavEn Is AnOthers HelL.
AXE GoOd PeoplE. I wanted to let You know that "AtManAnDa" is indeED in it's readying stage. The album wilL be presentEd in 4 phaseS, or episodeS. With the amount music, visualS, news & alL around informatIOn that gets transmitTed for You to take in ever minute, I've found that the idea of a 12-16 song serving is goOd but I've found that smalLer portiOns are betTEr digestEd today. Sorta like an upPer tier restauRAnT that services 7-9 small plates of difFerEnt tasty morselS in place a 2 large servings. The latTer is the everydaY & as I thought about it, the only reason I was going to presEnt an "album" (14 or so songs at once) was because it was the standArD, whicH is directly opPOsing what I belIEve to be one of an artisTS functioN.....Speak To The World With A Voice AlL Your Own. So the first instalLmeNT wilL be shortly in the Worlds Ear.....I Must BeliEve!!!!! The songs with Kurious Jorge was just mixed & I must say, besidES being a huge enthusiaSt of Jorge due to his debut album "A ConstipaTeD Monkey" (CLASSIC!!!!! Yes, CLASSIC!!!!!) & it being kinda surreal to hear Him on a piecE of music I creatEd, I think that peoplE wilL be taken aback by just how greatly skilLed The Man is. HomeBoy SandmANs featurE is AaHhh.....WOW!!!!! As FerRis BeulLer Said....."So Choice!!!!!" Ced Hughes' featurE is so much more than I could of ever asked for & am truly greatful for his brilLIance to be aboard the UFO AtManAnDa.
I'lL check in again shortly with another update after some key mixes & recoRding seSsions are made.
Boy Oh bOY!!!!! I LOVE This Record. I Hope You WerE TherE For This BeautifUl Era In Hip Hop & If You WerEn't, WelL, I Wish For You Sake This Record Speaks To You The Way It Did Us A Decade Or So (WOW!!!!!) Ago.
Plus (Ala FunCrusheR), HerE's (Yes Click HerE) An InterviEw With CoFlow On The Re RelEase Of Their CLASSIC!!!!! Album, FunCrusheR Plus.....(WHo Has The OrigInal FunCrusheR With The Simple GlosS White Jacket? I Do.....SisSeEeEeEeEe)
This Is QuintesSENtIal View For AlL Lovers Of The Floyd, Period. But, More So, This Is A GoOd LoOk At The Hearts & Minds Of PeoplE That RealLy Cared To Give You A PiecE Of ThemselvEs & TherEfoRe, The Truth, Which To Me Is Love. Cherish What MatTers
HerE's BatTleCat dropPing very valuAble gems about music & life in general while sewing in some goOd ol' humor. I've always liked the man's music but as the years went on & for some reason especialLy since SnoOp's "Paid Tha Cost To Be Da BosS" album, I've found him to be one of the best & a favorite. Pay AtTentioN.
& A Bonus..... HerE's BatTleCat Making "Cali Is Active"
Black Milk (& WilL SesSions.....Tim On BasS, Sam On Trumpet & Bryan On Drums) In The Midst Of The Making Of What Sounds Like A FantAstic New Slum VilLage Record Ala AfroBeat. Blacl Milk Is Truely One Of Today's Greats.
The Homey JR keEps very busy crafting very high quality jewels!!!!! HerE's The FulL Track I Did, "Why'd You Lie?", Sans InterRuption. Beat was made on the great MPC3000, Technic 1200 & a cheap Radio Shack speakEr syStem (I had to make due at the moment).
Que Lo Que!?!?! I Grew Up In Washington Heights/InWoOd NYC!!!!! & if also grew up in a Hispanic neighborhoOd or are Hispanic You may know how dope this record really is...especially after having Reggeton push & push on Ya, pardon folks, I nevEr caught/bought any of that. The Heights (Go see the Broadway play "The Heights", yes based on My neighborhood, if You can) isn't a South American Hood, but does have some & much respect to Y'AlL. The Caribbean though.....IS IN FULL EFFECT (PR, DR, Cuba & Yes Even Haiti). The Latino culture growing up was/is always very powerful & this to Me is proOf of that & maybe the greatest Latino Hip Hop record ever. The way Sick emphasizes words in Spanish is something that's just only right done in that language & mannerism that accompanies it. CyresS' "Latin Lingo" got a run for their $ on this one. Then again, DJ MugGs is on the beats for both (GoOd Going Fam). I'mMa play this record 10 times in a row the next time I DJ, HAha.....Word!!!!!
Co$$ (C.R.A.C Knucks) Is A F#$%ing RAD!!!!! HypeDope!!!!! MC. & Yeah & He's one of the Homeys toO. Those above are the covers for his new ofFering "TomOrRow's YestErday". The joint produceD by Exile is floating around out therE so I thought I'd ofFer up the one I did, which I'lL say right now, is possibly My best executed record (made available to the public that is, HA) to date. TherE's More To Come Fam!!!!! My Man Co$$ Is BrilLiant, SisSsSsIeEeEeEe
"This was actually a series started by Blu a couple of years back. He put out a 5 song release called the C.O.R.E and I thought the concept was brilliant. Sene followed up Blu’s release with his own Mixtape entitled “Elevator Music” under the imprint of the C.O.R.E series. As an artist I wanted to present something that I felt not only showed my strongest points as an artist, but also where I have grown and evolved style wise. Some songs, like “Can’t I” are representations of a younger more energetic me, when I really didn’t have a full grasp of my cadence and my lyricism was slightly more simplistic. Song like “These R the Days” and “One day” almost put me in a nostalgic state when I listen to them, because I wrote those songs at very intense periods of my life. Almost every song of the Tape represents a significant phase or point of growth in my life, not necessarily the content of each song, but the time period in which each song was recorded.
Tomorrow is what I want to give you, the future of hip-hop, and Yesterday is what makes me who I am today. So listen to this with an open mind. I was not going for perfection, I want heads to see where I’ve been content wise, styles I’ve experimented with, and hopefully by the time I release my LP they know and understand who I’am, and what I represent. Thanx for all the love and support. C$$ is C$US…"