The WatchMen is the greatest comic ever!!!!! Yeah Yeah Yeah.....This isn't the most controversial statement since it's the same opinion as a large portion of the comic book world but it must be said when anything WatchMen is being discussed. This DVD is based on the main side story (there are many) of the film. I'm glad the folks involved with this project are doing right by the book, which by the way, is the only film adaptation that the author, Alan Moore, has reacted positively towards (As much as I enjoyed "The League Of ExtraOrdinary Gentlemen" movie, in comparison to the books.....YIKES!!!!!). Here's the official statement on the release of the DVD.....
"They're in the book. And on this disc. From the director of Watchmen and 300 come two tales from the celebrated graphic novel that do not appear in the extraordinary Watchmen Theatrical Feature. Tales of the Black Freighter (featuring the voice of 300s Gerard Butler) brings to strikingly animated life the novels richly layered story-within-a-story, a daring pirate saga whose turbulent events may mirror those in the Watchmens world. Stars from the Watchmen movie team in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owls powerful first-hand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence. Two fan-essential stories. One place to watch the excitement. Watching the Watchmen begins here."
Now Go Read The BoOk!!!!! (AlL Praise Alan MoOre)
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