Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We're HeeeeEEEEEeRe

There have been more and more sighting recently. One in Florida not long ago & now in Arizona yesterday.
Here's The Story Via Azrizona News 12.

Several Valley residents reported seeing strange red lights in the sky on Monday night.

One north Phoenix resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said he saw four or five red lights lined up in a straight line and spaced apart evenly. The lights slowly moved east and became dimmer as the witness watched. He said the last light remained in the sky the longest. Then three jets came from the west and traveled in the direction of the red lights.

An Arizona Republic reporter who lives in Deer Valley reported seeing four lights in a square shape that eventually became a triangular shape. The lights were moving to the east and they disappeared one by one. She said the lights were visible for about 13 minutes.

An official from Luke Air Force Base stated that they do not have any aircraft in the sky tonight and that the lights are not part of any Air Force activities.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

AtManAnDA & Friends

So, These are some of the wonderful Creators that will be appearing on My forth coming album. One of the reasons that I haven't been updating the blog is because I've been hard at work on it. I'm starting to get into the artwork phase now, as I wait for some of My contributions. Learning video editing is on the horizon as well, So, Stay Tuned.

Space Cadets On Board MotherShip RTNC For The AtManAnDa MisSion.....
John RobinSon
Ced Hughes
Kurious Jorge
88 Keys
Ca$$ius King
TifFany Paige
Never Last & Obviously Not Least My Great Friend, Dave Dar

It's looking like the album is going to be half vocally accompanied songs & the other half being instrumental.

I Will Be Following My BlisS As It Must Be.

I'm Not Attempting To Bring Back The 1990s Or ReviVe The Golden Age.
This Is Me Simply PreSenting To You My Brain.....No, Love Child.


Been A Long Time.....

Just to start Me up again, I thought I'd come back with a favorite of mine.
Make Sure To Go Check Out The Murakami Exhibit At The BAM If You're In NYC.....Brooklyn To Be More Exact.